Bitter Melon and Spareribs Soup – How to Eat It Not Bitter

Bitter Melon and Spareribs Soup

This is the sweetest and most delicious Bitter Melon and Spareribs Soup I have ever tasted.Mastering these two techniques well, bitter gourds don't taste bitter either.

By Wzp123
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This is the sweetest and most delicious Bitter Melon and Spareribs Soup I have ever tasted.

Mastering these two techniques well, bitter gourds don’t taste bitter either.

Those who enjoy eating bitter gourds but fear them can try it!

Is bitter melon soup good for you?

1、Clearing away heat and detoxifying

It helps to clear the heat toxin in the body and has certain help for relieving symptoms such as dryness and heat and getting angry.

2、Promoting digestion

It can stimulate gastric acid secretion and improve the ability of gastrointestinal peristalsis, which is beneficial to the digestion and absorption of food.

3、Lowering blood sugar

Some components contained in bitter melon may have certain benefits for controlling blood sugar, and it is suitable for diabetic patients to eat in moderation.

4、Enhancing immunity

It contains a variety of nutrients, which can help improve the body’s resistance to a certain extent.

Losing weight and slimming down: It has low calories, and its components may help reduce fat accumulation.

Bitter melon can be eaten together with the following foods


Bitter melon and scrambled eggs are a very common combination with rich nutrition.

Lean meat

Such as bitter melon fried with shredded meat, a reasonable combination of meat and vegetables.


Make soup together, and the taste is delicious.


It can be made into dishes such as bitter melon and tofu casserole.


The taste of bitter melon and shrimp is refreshing and delicious.


The combination of the two can increase the flavor of the dish.

Black Fungus

Fry together for diverse textures.


For example, cook into soup together.


Can be made into dishes such as bitter melon and eggplant casserole.

How long should I cook the bitter melon?

About 5-10 minutes.

Do bitter gourds in bitter gourd soup need to be blanched
In bitter melon soup, the bitter melon indeed needs to be blanched.
Blanching is to remove some of the bitterness and makes it taste better after cooking.

What is Bitter Melon and Pork Ribs Soup?

What is Bitter Melon and Pork Ribs Soup?

Bitter melon and spareribs soup is a kind of soup drink for relieving summer heat in the Chaoshan area.

It has a bitter and sweet taste and is refreshing and moist, with the efficacy of clearing away summer heat and removing heat, improving eyesight, and detoxifying.

In folk, it is also commonly used to treat symptoms such as feeling thirsty due to summer heat, summer boils, excessive prickly heat, and conjunctivitis.

The combination of the two is an excellent match for nourishing the brain and strengthening the body.

The characteristics of bitter melon and spareribs soup

The characteristics of bitter melon and spareribs soup

It has the functions of clearing away heat and detoxifying and has a unique flavor.

The bitter melon cannot be cooked for too long, otherwise it will turn yellow and lose its refreshing fragrance.

The efficacy of bitter melon and spareribs soup


The efficacy of bitter melon and spareribs soup

The smell of bitter melon is bitter, non-toxic, and cold, and it enters the heart, liver, spleen, and lung meridians.

It has the functions of clearing away heat and relieving summer heat, improving eyesight and detoxifying, promoting diuresis and cooling blood, relieving fatigue and calming the heart, and tonifying qi and strengthening yang.

It is mainly used to treat heat stroke, excessive thirst due to summer heat, summer boils, excessive prickly heat, swollen and painful eyes, carbuncles and erysipelas, burns and scalds, and oliguria and other diseases.

Who can drink bitter melon and spare rib soup?

Who can drink bitter melon and spare rib soup?

All can eat it but don’t eat too much at one time.

The nutritional value of bitter melon and spareribs soup

1、Promoting diet and reducing inflammation and fever

The momordin and bitter substances in bitter melon can increase appetite strengthen the spleen and stimulate the appetite.

The alkaloid substance quinine contained has the effects of promoting diuresis and blood circulation, reducing inflammation and fever, clearing the heart, and improving eyesight.

2、Preventing cancer and anti-cancer

The protein components and a large amount of vitamin C in bitter melon can improve the immune function of the body so that immune cells have the role of killing cancer cells.

Bitter melon juice contains a certain protein component, which can enhance the phagocytic ability and is effective in clinical treatment of lymphosarcoma and leukemia.

The trypsin inhibitor extracted from bitter melon seeds can inhibit the protease secreted by cancer cells and prevent the growth of malignant tumors.

3、Lowering blood sugar

The fresh juice of bitter melon contains momordin and substances similar to insulin, which has a good hypoglycemic effect and is an ideal food for diabetic patients.

Selecting bitter melon

Selecting bitter melon

The bumpy growths on the surface of bitter melon, which are called fruit tumors, are characteristics to judge the quality of bitter melon.

The larger and fuller the grains are, the thicker the melon flesh is; the smaller the grains, the relatively thinner the melon flesh.

When choosing a bitter melon, in addition to picking those with large fruit tumors and upright fruit shapes, it should also be pure white and beautiful.

If the bitter melon shows yellowing, it means it is already overly ripe, and the flesh is soft and not crispy enough, losing the due taste of bitter melon.

Here’s how to make Chinese tofu soup.

Bitter Melon and Spareribs Soup Ingredients

Momordica charantia:1


soy: half bowl


clearwater: Appropriate amount

Salt: Appropriate amount

Bitter Melon and Spareribs Soup Instructions

Prepare the ingredients first. Soak soybeans and scallops in water separately for later use.


Rinse the pork ribs and blanch them for later use.


This step is the key if you want the bitter gourd to not taste bitter.

Cut the bitter gourd in half, use a spoon to scrape off the naan inside the bitter gourd, and try to clean it as much as possible, this is one of the keys.

Then pour a little salt into the melon grooves, and rub them back and forth evenly, so that the whole melon and naan should be rubbed in place, which is the second key.

Rub it for about 2-3 minutes, and then rinse it off with water.

The bitter gourd produced in this way will not taste bitter.


Fill the soup pot with enough water, add soybeans, scallops, pork ribs, and bitter gourd pieces cut into 2 cm wide, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to medium heat and simmer for 1 hour.


After 1 hour, turn off the heat and add some salt to taste.


A pot of bitter gourd pork ribs soup with a sweet and delicious taste, thick but not greasy, and the function of reducing fire is ready.



If you want bitter melon to taste not bitter, you must scrape the melon and naan clean, and you must rub the melon scoop with salt, rub it several times, rinse it with water, and cut it into pieces.

I have compiled the tutorial for making this dish below. If necessary, you can click below to print it out. I wish you success.

Bitter Melon and Spareribs Soup

This is the sweetest and most delicious Bitter Melon and Spareribs Soup I have ever tasted.
Prep Time 7 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour
Total Time 1 hour 7 minutes


  • 1 rice cooker


  • 1 Momordica charantia
  • 1 Ribs
  • half bowl soy
  • 1 scallops
  • Appropriate amount clear water
  • Appropriate amount Salt


  • Prepare the ingredients first. Soak soybeans and scallops in water separately for later use.
  • Rinse the pork ribs and blanch them for later use.
  • This step is the key if you want the bitter gourd to not taste bitter. Cut the bitter gourd in half, use a spoon to scrape off the naan inside the bitter gourd, and try to clean it as much as possible, this is one of the keys. Then pour a little salt into the melon grooves, and rub them back and forth evenly, so that the whole melon and naan should be rubbed in place, which is the second key. Rub it for about 2-3 minutes, and then rinse it off with water. The bitter gourd produced in this way will not taste bitter.
  • Fill the soup pot with enough water, add soybeans, scallops, pork ribs, and bitter gourd pieces cut into 2 cm wide, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to medium heat and simmer for 1 hour.
  • After 1 hour, turn off the heat and add some salt to taste.
  • A pot of bitter gourd pork ribs soup with a sweet and delicious taste, thick but not greasy, and the function of reducing fire is ready.


If you want bitter melon to taste not bitter, you must scrape the melon and naan clean, and you must rub the melon scoop with salt, rub it several times, rinse it with water, and cut it into pieces.
Author: Wzp123
Calories: 1146kcal
Course: Soup
Cuisine: Chinese
Keyword: fragrant


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