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China scrambled eggs with tomatoes recipe

By Wzp123
scrambled eggs with tomatoes

To say the most classic dish, it must be scrambled eggs with tomatoes, the first dish that most people learn to cook.

It is not only brightly colored and has a rich taste, but also easy to make, making it very delicious.

Each family has their production method, some rely on adding sugar to enhance the taste, while others add tomato sauce to enhance the taste.

So today, I will teach you a method of making scrambled eggs with tomatoes that I have researched myself.

Is scrambled eggs and tomatoes good for you?

Eggs are one of the most extraordinarily nutritious foods. In addition to being rich in proteins, they provide a variety of vitamins and minerals, including choline, which is a building block for cell membranes. By combining them with tomatoes, we can get many important nutrients.

Where did scrambled eggs with tomatoes come from?

cooking them with tomatoes is a result of mixing Chinese and Western cuisine.

Is it OK to eat scrambled eggs every day?

If you eat a moderate amount of scrambled eggs every day, it is generally good for the body, but if you eat too much-scrambled eggs every day, it is not good for the body.

What are scrambled eggs with tomatoes?

What are scrambled eggs with tomatoes?

A home-cooked dish made with tomatoes and eggs as the main ingredients.

The main ingredients are eggs, tomatoes, cooking oil, salt, water, light soy sauce, MSG, chopped green onion, white sugar, and oyster sauce.

Dishes Features

Dishes Features

Bright color, sweet and sour taste, smooth taste, rich color and fragrance, increasing appetite.

nutritional value

nutritional value

Tomatoes themselves contain a large amount of vitamin C, carotene, vitamin B, and other ingredients, which can whiten the skin, nourish the nerves, and improve insomnia.

Eggs mainly contain protein and calcium ions, which can enhance the body’s immunity and improve many symptoms caused by hypocalcemia.

Mixing the two foods can enhance human immunity, increase appetite, and promote intestinal peristalsis.

scrambled eggs with tomatoes Ingredients



Salt:2 grams

green onions: a little

Steps for scrambled eggs with tomatoes

Prepare the ingredients. Choose ripe tomatoes so that the fried ones will be delicious.

Steps for scrambled eggs with tomatoes 1

Beat the eggs, add 1 gram of salt to enhance the flavor, and a little white vinegar to remove the smell.

Steps for scrambled eggs with tomatoes 2

Put more oil in the pot. After the oil is heated until smoking, add the eggs and fry until they are set.

Steps for scrambled eggs with tomatoes 3

Take out the eggs, dice 1/4 of the tomatoes, and cut the rest into cubes.

Steps for scrambled eggs with tomatoes 4

First heat the remaining oil in the pot, add diced tomatoes, and stir-fry. Press with the back of a knife while frying and cook until pureed.

Steps for scrambled eggs with tomatoes 5

Add the remaining tomato pieces, stir-fry briefly, and pour in a little water.

Steps for scrambled eggs with tomatoes 6

When stewing tomatoes, add 1-2 grams of salt and 2 grams of sugar.

Steps for scrambled eggs with tomatoes 7

After simmering for a while, add the eggs and stir-fry. After simmering for a while, it is ready to be taken out of the pot.

Steps for scrambled eggs with tomatoes 8

Sprinkle a handful of chopped green onion to enhance the flavor before serving.

Steps for scrambled eggs with tomatoes 9

Fried chicken mixed with rice is delicious, everyone should try it.

Steps for scrambled eggs with tomatoes 10


a. When frying eggs, use high heat to fry them.

This will make them easier to shape and the scrambled eggs will be more fragrant.

b. Cut the tomatoes into cubes and simmer them first to make the tomato paste.

If you find it troublesome, you can directly fry it with a hob.

When frying, pour a little tomato paste to enhance the flavor.

I have compiled the tutorial for making this dish below. If necessary, you can click below to print it out. I wish you success.

Steps for scrambled eggs with tomatoes

scrambled eggs with tomatoes

To say the most classic dish, it must be scrambled eggs with tomatoes, the first dish that most people learn to cook.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes


  • 1 pot
  • 1 bowl
  • 1 induction cooker
  • 1 Stir frying spoon


  • 2 tomato
  • 3 egg
  • 2 grams Salt
  • a little green onions


  • Prepare the ingredients. Choose ripe tomatoes so that the fried ones will be delicious.
  • Beat the eggs, add 1 gram of salt to enhance the flavor, and a little white vinegar to remove the smell.
  • Put more oil in the pot. After the oil is heated until smoking, add the eggs and fry until they are set.
  • Take out the eggs, dice 1/4 of the tomatoes, and cut the rest into cubes.
  • First heat the remaining oil in the pot, add diced tomatoes, and stir-fry. Press with the back of a knife while frying and cook until pureed.
  • Add the remaining tomato pieces, stir-fry briefly, and pour in a little water.
  • When stewing tomatoes, add 1-2 grams of salt and 2 grams of sugar.
  • After simmering for a while, add the eggs and stir-fry. After simmering for a while, it is ready to be taken out of the pot.
  • scrambled eggs with tomatoes with rice are very delicious, and everyone should give it a try.
  • Fried chicken mixed with rice is delicious, everyone should try it.


a. When frying eggs, use high heat to fry them.
This will make them easier to shape and the scrambled eggs will be more fragrant.
b. Cut the tomatoes into cubes and simmer them first to make the tomato paste.
If you find it troublesome, you can directly fry it with a hob.
When frying, pour a little tomato paste to enhance the flavor.
Author: Wzp123
Course: Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes
Cuisine: Chinese
Keyword: fry

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