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Cranberry cake biscuits

By Wzp123


Preparation of Cranberry Cake Biscuits


  • 1 oven



  • 4 egg
  • 120 grams Low-gluten flour
  • 35 grams caster sugar
  • Appropriate amount cranberry
  • Appropriate amount White chocolate
  • Appropriate amount sugar beads
  • Appropriate amount vanilla extract


  • Soak cranberries in water for later use, preheat the oven to 170°C
  • Add 25g of fine sugar to the egg whites in 2 batches and beat until stiff foam
  • Add 10g of granulated sugar and vanilla extract to the egg yolk, just beat the egg beater evenly without cleaning
  • Mix one-third of the egg whites with the egg yolks, then pour back into the egg whites to mix
  • Sift in the flour and mix well
  • Oilcloth/oil paper/silicone mat on a baking sheet, pour the batter and sprinkle with cranberries
  • Bake in the oven at 170°C for 25-30 minutes
  • Cut into pieces, sprinkle with melted chocolate and sugar beads, to garnish
  • Get


Be sure to use oiled paper, oiled paper, and oiled paper; Baking time adjusted according to thickness
Author: Wzp123
Course: cake
Cuisine: Chinese
Keyword: bake

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  1. Roxie Spencer says:

    Feta and lemon go so well together!

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