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milk tea with boba

By Wzp123

It’s summer and I always want to drink something cold and icy, milk tea is my favorite, today I make a cup of milk tea with boba.

Steps for milk tea with boba

milk tea with boba

It's summer and I always want to drink something cold and icy, milk tea is my favorite, today I make a cup of milk tea with boba.


  • 1 Cold Water Kettle
  • 1 Tea Bags
  • 1 induction cooker
  • 1 pot


  • Hong Kong style stockings milk tea
  • 1100 ml boiling water
  • 15 g Sri Lankan black tea powder
  • 50 g fine sugar
  • 1 can Black and white evaporated milk
  • Boba
  • 10 g brown sugar
  • 50 g water
  • 50 g Tapioca flour


  • Prepare the ingredients for Hong Kong-style milk tea. Pour the white sugar into the cold kettle and pour the tea powder into the tea bag.
    Steps for milk tea with boba
  • Slowly pour the boiling water into the tea bag to fully contact the tea powder. The tea flows from the tea bag into the cold kettle. Stir to dissolve the caster sugar.
    Steps for milk tea with boba
  • Black and white evaporated milk was mixed into the tea.
    Steps for milk tea with boba
  • Find a suitable container and make tea. In the tips, I will explain what teh tarik is and why teh tarik is needed.
    Steps for milk tea with boba
  • Repeat pulling tea several times, the more foam the better.
    Steps for milk tea with boba
  • Next let’s make the boba. Pour brown sugar into water.
    Steps for milk tea with boba
  • Boil to make brown sugar water.
    Steps for milk tea with boba
  • Slowly pour the brown sugar water into the tapioca flour, stirring while pouring. Different brands of powder have different water absorption properties. It is enough if the batter is not too sticky.
    Steps for milk tea with boba
  • Knead into pearls and place in a plate with tapioca flour, otherwise they will stick.
    Steps for milk tea with boba
  • Bring a pot of water to a boil, pour in the boba, and cook for about 15 minutes until the boba becomes transparent. A colleague prepared a bowl of cold boiled water.
    Steps for milk tea with boba
  • Pour the Boba into the prepared cold water.
    Steps for milk tea with boba
  • Put Boba in the quilt and pour milk tea. Boba milk tea is ready.
    Steps for milk tea with boba


1. What is pulled tea and why is pulled tea? Hold an empty can in one hand and a can containing tea soup in the other. Pour the tea soup into the empty can at a distance of about 1m. Since the tea soup is being poured, both hands hold the can. The distance from near to far is similar to the action of pulling, hence the name "pulled tea". Repeat this action no less than 7 times, so that the milk and tea can fully contact and fuse with the air, making the milk tea smoother.
2. The more milk foam produced when making tea, the better.
3. It’s summer. Let the prepared milk tea cool down first and then refrigerate it. It tastes better if it’s ice cold.
4. I saw in the question that it was said that boba is not easy to shape. The kneaded boba needs to be rolled in dry tapioca flour to set it, otherwise it will be soft and become a puddle.
5. Regarding the issue of cooking Boba, cook it until it is completely transparent. 15 minutes is not enough. I cook it until it is translucent, then cover the pot and simmer it, and it will become transparent!
Author: Wzp123
Course: milk tea with boba
Cuisine: Chinese
Keyword: iced

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