Family version of Peking duck

Family version of Peking duck

Today, let's share the family version of Peking duck. When you want to eat it, you don't need to buy it outside.

By Wzp123
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Today, let us share the home version of the Peking Duck. When you want to eat, you don’t need to buy it outside.

Peking duck

Today, let's share the family version of the Peking duck. When you want to eat it, you don't need to buy it outside.
Prep Time 1 day 40 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour 20 minutes
Total Time 1 day 2 hours


  • 1 oven
  • 1 bowl
  • 1 spoon
  • 1 brush
  • 1 support


  • 1 Duck
  • a little Honey
  • a little white vinegar
  • a little cooking wine
  • Appropriate amount flour
  • Appropriate amount sweet bean sauce
  • Appropriate amount bean paste
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 section very light blue


  • duck cleaned
  • Scald three times with freshly boiled water
  • The third time, pay attention to burning every place
  • Use a drink bottle to support the duck from its belly
  • Three spoonfuls of honey, one spoonful of cooking wine, one spoonful of white vinegar, and half a spoonful of warm water, mix thoroughly
  • Brush the honey water evenly over the duck
  • Note that the duck wings and duck legs should also be brushed
  • Let it dry in a ventilated place overnight
  • Duck skin after drying is inelastic like oiled paper
  • chopped apples
  • Stuff it into the belly of the duck and seal it with a toothpick
  • After preheating the oven to 230 degrees, add about 400ml of water to the baking tray
  • Put the duck on the grill and put the duck belly up in the oven at 210 degrees for 50 minutes
  • Turn it over and bake for another 30 minutes
  • Then roast the duck belly again at 210 degrees for 20 minutes
  • Let the duck dry for at least 20 minutes after roasting before slicing
  • Add a little salt to the flour and stir with chopsticks while heating the water
  • Knead into dough by hand
  • Let the dough rest for 20 minutes
  • Knead the dough again and wake up for another ten minutes
  • Dough divided into small pieces
  • Knead into small cakes, add more water to the steamer, and turn on the fire
  • Then roll out the pastry first
  • When the steam comes up, put the oiled plate on the steamer, place the rolled dough cake on it, immediately cover the pot, roll out the second dough cake, put it on the first dough cake, and immediately cover the pot without worrying about sticking together until all the pasta is put into the pot and the lid is on for twenty minutes
  • The lotus leaf cake is out
  • Heating sesame oil in a non-stick pan
  • Three spoonfuls of sweet noodle sauce, two spoonfuls of sugar, one spoonful of bean paste
  • After frying, add a little water to boil to your favorite concentration
  • The sauce fried in this way is not only rich in fragrance but also moderately salty and sweet. Shredded Cucumber and Scallion
  • After the duck cools down, it’s difficult to have a rough idea.
  • Put the slices neatly on top of the minced duck
  • done
  • The taste is amazing
Author: Wzp123
Calories: 5254kcal
Course: Peking duck
Cuisine: Chinese
Keyword: roast

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