Basic milk whole wheat toast

By Wzp123
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Various flavors of toast come and go without a good basic toast dough. This recipe has been adjusted by me after so many years of making toast. Making it alone is a simple Milk whole wheat toast. The water volume is too high, beginners remember to reserve 20 grams of milk. Fresh yeast is not dry yeast, dry yeast requires 1/3 of the amount. Add 85 grams of white sugar which is like sweet toast.

How to Milk whole wheat toast

Various flavors of toast come and go without a good basic toast dough. This recipe has been adjusted by me after so many years of making toast. Making it alone is a simple Milk whole wheat toast.


  • 1 oven



  • 400 grams High-gluten flour
  • 100 g whole wheat flour
  • 50 grams White sugar
  • 30 grams milk powder
  • 15 grams fresh yeast
  • 285 grams milk
  • 2 egg
  • 30 grams butter
  • 5 grams Salt


  • Combine all ingredients except butter and salt.
  • Knead the dough until the thick film can be pulled out, add butter and salt, and continue to knead the dough.
  • Knead just enough to pull out the membrane.
  • Make the dough smooth, cover and ferment at room temperature 28 degrees for 50 minutes, until it doubles in size.
  • Fermentation is complete.
  • After pressing the dough lightly to deflate it, divide it into the required small dough. Two 450g toast boxes, which can be equally divided into six small doughs. Cover with a damp cloth and let rest for 15 minutes.
  • Take a small dough and roll it long.
  • Flip over, and fold the sides toward the middle.
  • roll long.
  • With the aid of a spatula, roll up.
  • Drain into a toast box. Here I have three peaks and two peaks.
  • Put a bowl of hot water in the oven to maintain humidity, and let it ferment for 50 minutes until the mold is eight or nine points full. Take out the box and preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  • Bake in the preheated oven at 180 degrees for ten minutes.
  • At this time, the coloring is basically completed, and the tin foil is covered. Continue to bake for another 30 minutes.
  • After baking, tap the toast box lightly to release the heat, then take out the toast and lay it on the grill to cool.
  • The beautiful basic toast is finished.
  • Cool thoroughly before cutting.
  • After slicing, it can be packaged and frozen for storage.


Fresh yeast is not dry yeast, using dry yeast only requires 5 grams.
Author: Wzp123
Course: Milk whole wheat toast
Cuisine: Chinese
Keyword: bake


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