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Sour and Spicy Shredded Potatoes

By Wzp123

Every time I go to a new restaurant for a meal, I always order Sour and Spicy Shredded Potatoes. It seems like a delicious restaurant with shredded potatoes, and other dishes are not bad either.

Sour and Spicy Shredded Potatoes

Every time I go to a new restaurant for a meal, I always order Sour and Spicy Shredded Potatoes. It seems like a delicious restaurant with shredded potatoes, and other dishes are not bad either.


  • 1 pot
  • 1 Stir frying spoon
  • 1 induction cooker


  • 1 potatoes(medium size)
  • 2 sticks chili
  • 2 petals garlic
  • 1 onion
  • 1 scoop rice vinegar
  • 1 scoop soy sauce
  • half spoon white sugar
  • 1 scoop oyster sauce
  • Appropriate amount Sichuan peppercorn


  • Shred potatoes and soak them in water for later use (remove some of the starch in the potatoes, the taste will be more crispy and not sticky)
  • Saute the pepper, skim the pepper, and save the boiled pepper oil for later use
  • One of the secrets of this dish in my family is to put more green onions, which have a strong fragrance
  • Then put garlic and chili, this time I put fresh millet spicy, if you can eat spicily, put dried chili ️, and stir fry the fragrance~
  • Add potato shreds and stir fry evenly
  • The second secret of this dish in my family is to put rice vinegar first so that the shredded potatoes taste more crispy, you must put rice vinegar, other vinegar is not good
  • Put light soy sauce, we northerners like to put soy sauce in our cooking, just put a little less, just for a better color
  • Add oyster sauce and stir fry evenly, don't add any more salt
  • Put some sugar at the end to enhance the taste
  • Finally, put some green peppers, stir-fry for a while, and put on a plate
  • A super fried hot and sour potato shreds is ready
Author: Wzp123
Course: Sour and Spicy Shredded Potatoes
Cuisine: Chinese
Keyword: acid, hot


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