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Wanghong Cold Mixed Lemon Shrimp

By Wzp123

Net red salad lemon shrimp, simple Kwai, refreshing appetizer, low fat, low calorie, and high protein!

Lemon Shrimp

Net red salad lemon shrimp, simple Kwai, refreshing appetizer, low fat, low calorie, and high protein!


  • 1 pot
  • 1 Big Bowl


  • 500 g shrimp
  • half onion
  • half lemon
  • 4 petals garlic
  • 2 Spicy millet
  • Appropriate amount Sesame
  • Appropriate amount coriander
  • Appropriate amount Premium Seafood Sauce


  • Prepare the ingredients (Jiwei shrimp/black tiger shrimp are fine)
  • Remove the shrimp line from the black tiger prawns, put them in a pot under cold water, and put ginger + cooking wine to remove the fishy smell.
  • Cook the black tiger prawns until they change color, remove them, and soak them in ice water.
  • When the shrimp is cooking, make homemade lazy seafood cold sauce: pour a little hot oil on the minced garlic + minced onion + spicy millet + sesame and sauté until fragrant, then pour in an appropriate amount of seafood sauce.
  • Boiled black tiger prawns, peeled and placed on shredded onions.
  • Drizzle with homemade seafood gazpacho and toss to coat.
  • The cold lemon shrimp is ready. Seal it and put it in the refrigerator for more than half an hour. The flavor is even better~
  • The black tiger prawns are thick and plump, with a sweet aftertaste!
  • Refreshing and appetizing, it’s so delicious that you can’t stop. This cold sauce is mixed with noodles or noodles at the end, it’s also perfect!
Author: Wzp123
Course: Lemon Shrimp
Cuisine: Chinese
Keyword: acid


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