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cooking snap beans,It tastes better cooked this way

By Wzp123

cooking snap beans is super delicious this way. Cut into thin strips and easy to cook. It’s great as a stir-fry or mixed with noodles. Eat more vegetables when the weather is hot.

What is the difference between snap beans and string beans?

The bean has a short appearance with two so-called “stem” on either side, which are bulbous in the center and elongated on both sides, and is a vegetable that we eat from time to time.
Bean is a long and thin vegetable, generally produced in the summertime, bean contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, bean meat is relatively fatty, the young bean is crisp after frying, the old bean is soft after frying, but also can be peeled out of the beans to cook and eat individually, the bean is very nutritious, known as vegetables in the meat, generally, we see the green and white bean two kinds of!

How long does it take for snap beans?

65-90 days or so

The general maturity period of bean curd is around 65-90 days, but different varieties of bean curd have different maturity times, according to the different environmental climates of each place, you can choose early, medium maturity, and late maturity varieties of bean curd for planting respectively. Early-maturing varieties of bean curd need about 55-60 days to harvest, medium-maturing varieties of bean curd can be harvested.

How do you eat snap beans?

Cook and stir often on medium heat until golden brown and crisp. Blanch: Whole green beans can be blanched in boiling water for 2 minutes, then plunged into cold water to stop the cooking process. These beans can be eaten cold with a dip or chopped into a salad.

cooking snap beans

cooking snap beans is super delicious this way. Cut into thin strips and easy to cook. It’s great as a stir-fry or mixed with noodles.
Prep Time 6 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 11 minutes


  • 1 pot
  • 1 Stir frying spoon
  • 1 induction cooker


  • 500 g pea
  • 1 tablespoon Oyster sauce
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon Doubanjiang
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 3 chili


  • Prepare all the ingredients and cut the wide beans into shreds.
    Steps for cooking snap beans
  • Mince the garlic and cut the pepper into small pieces.
    Steps for cooking snap beans
  • Put 1 spoon of soybean paste, 1 spoon of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, and 2 spoons of water into the bowl to make a sauce.
    Steps for cooking snap beans
  • Heat oil in a pan, sauté minced garlic until fragrant, add shredded beans, and stir-fry until color changes.
    Steps for cooking snap beans
  • Pour in the sauce and stir well, cover the pot and simmer for 1 minute.
    Steps for cooking snap beans
  • Sprinkle with chili and serve~


1. The kidney beans must be fried, so add a little water.
2. Cover the pot and simmer for a while, which will make it easier to fry.
Author: Wzp123
Course: cooking snap beans
Cuisine: Chinese
Keyword: cook, saute

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