Hand in hand teaching you how to make dumplings

Hand in hand teaching you how to make dumplings

Record the entire process of make dumplings from scratch, and I believe you can definitely learn. Come on.

By Wzp123
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Record the entire process of making dumplings from scratch, and I believe you can definitely learn. Come on.

make dumplings

Record the entire process of making dumplings from scratch, and I believe you can definitely learn. Come on.


  • 1 pot
  • 1 Rolling pin


  • Three and a half bowls of noodles Arowana Wheat Core Wheat Flour
  • Appropriate amount warm water
  • one third cabbage
  • Appropriate amount pork
  • a small amount chopped green onion
  • Appropriate amount Soy sauce, salt, chicken essence, dumpling stuffing with thirteen spices
  • a small amount Oil
  • 1 rolling pin
  • 1 piece kneading mat


  • Scoop three bowls and a half noodles and put them in the basin. Knead with warm water by hand (warm water should be added in small amounts several times, not too much at one time). Knead until the dough becomes a ball, and then a little soft, but not sticky, this state is better (I knead for about 5 minutes). Cover it with something (I used a transparent lid to buckle it), and let it stand for 25-30 minutes. During this period, don't wait, hurry up and make dumpling stuffing.
  • First use the stuffing equipment (my house is hand-cranked) to grind the cabbage (you can also use cabbage), if there is no equipment, just cut it by hand. Then mix well with salt (about 2 spoons) and let it stand for 10 minutes.
  • After 10 minutes, squeeze the water out with your hands, or wrap it with gauze. The upper part of the picture is after the water is squeezed, and the lower part is before it is squeezed. Ten minutes after adding salt, there will be quite a lot of water.
  • Cut the meat into minced meat (I cut it by hand, you can also make it with a meat grinder, or buy it directly from the store). Put the minced meat into the dish after squeezing the water and stir well.
  • Put oil in the pan, heat it up, and pour it into the dumpling stuffing. For a moment, there will be a "呲呲啦" sound, which is very pleasant. Stir.
  • Add soy sauce (about 2 tablespoons), chopped green onion (a small amount), salt (appropriate amount), and chicken stock (a small amount, you can also choose not to put it).
  • Add Wang Shouyi dumpling seasoning thirteen spices (appropriate amount), and stir well.
  • Okay, the dumpling stuffing is ready, just put it aside and wait for it to be wrapped. This process takes about 25-30 minutes. So after the dumpling stuffing is ready, it's time to start making the noodles.
  • Knead the dough, similar to this pose. Knead until soft and elastic. Almost 2-3 minutes.
  • Knead into two sections of cylindrical dough.
  • Pull it into small pieces, the posture of the hands is as shown in the figure. The size depends on how many dumplings you want to eat. If you are not quite sure, I suggest that you go pack it after you finish picking one, and you will immediately know how big the next one should be. (Here you can also cut into even small pieces on the cutting board. Remember to turn the side to the opposite side before cutting each cut. In that case, it will be better packaged later).
  • Knead a small piece of the dumpling (we call it "jazz") into a circle, and then press it lightly with the belly of your palm to prepare the dumpling wrapper (called jizi in our dialect).
  • When rolling, push the rolling pin forward little by little from the edge, then turn around and continue to push until a round dumpling skin comes out. Not too thick, not too thin, and soft to the touch. Be sure to wrap it in time after rolling it out, or it will be bad if the noodles are hard.
  • Put stuffing in the middle of the dumpling skin.
  • I like to make crescent moon dumplings. First, find the point where the two sides of the diameter of the circle intersect and pinch them together. Then, find a pleat, bend it back, and press it. If you are a new learner, you have to suffer a lot to learn it, and it doesn't matter if you are a pro. But no matter whether you wrap it well or not, you must remember to pinch the edges tightly so that it does not leak.
  • The two of us used three and a half bowls of noodles and made 60 dumplings. Among them, 24 large dumplings were eaten on the same day, and 36 small dumplings were frozen and eaten the next day (the dosage is for your reference). Here is a picture of my 24 large dumplings. Then boil the water in the pot (my husband has already boiled the water when I was almost done wrapping), after the water boils, put it in the pot and cook. You can put a little bit of salt without sticking to the pan. Don't put too much, everyone may still want to drink dumpling soup. When stirring with a wooden spatula, be sure to stick to the bottom of the pot so that the dumplings will not be broken. When should dumplings be cooked? Generally speaking, it is floating on the surface of the water, and it is difficult to push it down with chopsticks, so it will tenaciously float on the surface. Then you touch it with chopsticks, it bounces, and the small pits on the body will not sink in, but will bounce back a little. This time is better. It's ready to be eaten by you. It takes about 10 minutes to cook the dumplings. (Another way is to fish one and try it, this is the safest, don’t take it out and it will be broken if it is not cooked, haha)
  • After I cooked it, I couldn't wait to eat it directly. I didn't take a picture (of the urgency and forgetfulness of a foodie), so I put a picture of the remaining part of the dumplings I made. Our family also tried to make dumplings, but the dumplings that came out couldn't stand up, and they looked strange, so I asked him to play with them three times and didn't let him make them anymore. It must taste good! Once you have eaten dumplings made by yourself, you will not want to buy frozen dumplings in the future.


1. When kneading noodles, warm water must be used in a small amount and several times, just to test. Because there is less water, you can continue to add water, but if there is too much water, you can only add noodles. I’ve heard stories about people putting too much water and adding noodles, then adding more water to the noodles, and then adding more water and noodles, and it’s probably snowballing in the end, haha. 2. Water the vegetables, add oil and chopped green onions. These two steps are the essence and are indispensable. Don't put too much salt, you can still dip it in soy sauce if it's light, but you can't make it if it's salty. Neither salty nor light is the best.
Author: Wzp123
Course: make dumplings
Cuisine: Chinese
Keyword: dinner

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