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Tomato chicken soup noodles

By Wzp123

The sour tomato chicken soup noodles are really eager to eat! Especially in the end to make an egg flower, not only the color is beautiful and appetite, but also supplemented the protein in nutrition. There is a time to eat any meals, but only this tomato, eggs and chicken soup noodles, when it is the favorite! Think about the reason, mainly because of this soup noodle and appetizing. Especially in this hot day, I am too lazy to get angry. The 10 -minute soup face can make people stay in the kitchen less, and they can also eat moisturizing and comfortable! Xiangxue noodles, gluten, smooth! The soup of tomatoes is used, and it is more and more delicious!

Related questions

Can I put uncooked noodles in my chicken soup?
The noodles cooked in chicken soup are delicious. After cooking the noodles, we can put them aside and cool them first. Generally, I cook more noodles at home. My husband comes home late from work, so he can heat the noodles once. Especially the noodles cooked in this soup are not afraid to be put. I think it will be delicious. Chicken soup is also good for instant boiled dishes
Why is chicken noodle soup for sick?
Chicken and chicken soup both contain various essential amino acids that can enhance the body’s resistance to cold viruses, inhibit respiratory inflammation, and treat colds and coughs. This is closely related to the rich nutrition and physical fitness of chicken and chicken soup. So, both healthy individuals and patients can eat chicken and drink chicken soup. Healthy people should eat both meat and soup when eating chicken, and it is more suitable for patients and weak individuals to drink chicken soup
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Step of Tomato Chicken Soup Noodles

Tomato chicken soup noodles

The sour tomato chicken soup noodles are really eager to eat! Especially in the end to make an egg flower, not only the color is beautiful and appetite, but also supplemented the protein in nutrition.


  • 1 pot
  • 1 Stir frying spoon
  • 1 induction cooker


  • handful Xiangxue noodles
  • one big tomatoes
  • one egg
  • a little vegetable oil
  • Two petals garlic
  • a little Salt
  • a little Chives


  • Xiangxue noodles are ready
    Step of Tomato Chicken Soup Noodles
  • Tomatoes and eggs are ready
    Step of Tomato Chicken Soup Noodles
  • Cut tomatoes into small pieces
    Step of Tomato Chicken Soup Noodles
  • Heat oil in a pan, add sliced ​​garlic and stir-fry until fragrant
    Step of Tomato Chicken Soup Noodles
  • Add the tomato chunks to the pan and stir-fry
    Step of Tomato Chicken Soup Noodles
  • Pour in an appropriate amount of chicken soup and bring to a boil. At this time, the tomato skins have separated from the tomatoes, so you can use chopsticks to pick them out of the pot.
    Step of Tomato Chicken Soup Noodles
  • After the mixed chicken soup is boiled, add the noodles, use chopsticks to break them up to prevent them from sticking, and continue to cook over high heat.
    Step of Tomato Chicken Soup Noodles
  • When the noodles are cooked to 8 minutes, you can sprinkle a little salt
    Step of Tomato Chicken Soup Noodles
  • Pour the beaten egg liquid into the pot where the soup boils. Wait until the egg drops solidify, turn off the heat and sprinkle with chives.
    Step of Tomato Chicken Soup Noodles
  • Very fragrant
    Step of Tomato Chicken Soup Noodles
  • It looks so tempting
    Step of Tomato Chicken Soup Noodles
  • Noodles that can be eaten by one person can be so moist.
    Step of Tomato Chicken Soup Noodles


If you don’t like the skin of tomatoes, you can make a cross knife first, then put it in a boiling water pot to blanch it, peel it and then cut it into pieces and fry it in the pot; chicken soup is the essence and other seasonings can be adjusted according to taste.
Author: Wzp123
Course: Tomato chicken soup noodles
Cuisine: Chinese
Keyword: fresh
Chicken noodle soup is a delicious Noodles in soup. It is made of noodles and chicken soup. It tastes salty and fresh.Encyclopedia of Chicken Soup Noodles


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