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Bitter Melon and Soybean Ribs Soup

By Wzp123

Bitter Melon and Soybean Ribs Soup is an appetizer, anti-greasy, heat-clearing, and fire-reducing dish. Let’s start making it together in the summer.

Bitter Melon and Soybean Ribs Soup

Bitter Melon and Soybean Ribs Soup is an appetizer, anti-greasy, heat-clearing, and fire-reducing dish. Let's start making it together in the summer.


  • 1 Clay pot


  • 500 g Ribs
  • 30 grams soy
  • 1 Momordica charantia
  • Appropriate amount Salt
  • 2 candied dates
  • A few pieces Ginger
  • 1 set clay pot


  • Preparation materials (boil the ribs first)
  • Put ribs, soybeans, candied dates, and ginger slices in the clay pot and cook for 40 minutes
  • add bitter gourd
  • Boil for 20 minutes, add salt
  • cook out
  • Sweet and sweet, delicious
  • Finish
Author: Wzp123
Course: Bitter Melon and Soybean Ribs Soup
Cuisine: Chinese
Keyword: Pot soup


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