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Stewed Pork with White Gourd

By Wzp123

The most common dish I used to eat when I was a child was pork belly Stewed Pork with White Gourd. Today, I will share it with everyone.

Stewed Pork with White Gourd

The most common dish I used to eat when I was a child was pork belly Stewed Pork with White Gourd. Today, I will share it with everyone.


  • 1 Casserole
  • 1 Stir frying spoon
  • 1 dish


  • 150 grams pork belly
  • Appropriate amount Minced onion,ginger and garlic
  • 1 coriander
  • 1 scoop soy sauce
  • 1 scoop oyster sauce
  • Appropriate amount lard
  • 1 scoop soy sauce
  • 1000 g pumpkin


  • Wash and cut pumpkin, slice pork belly, slice green onion, ginger and garlic
  • Put lard in casserole
  • Saute onion, ginger and garlic until fragrant (if you can eat spicy food, you can put 2 dried chilies)
  • After sautéing, add the pork belly and stir fry
  • Sliced ​​meat fried until slightly charred
  • Add pumpkin and stir fry
  • After the pumpkin is fried until soft, pour in an appropriate amount of hot water (do not exceed the pumpkin)
  • Cook on medium heat until the pumpkin is soft and rotten, add light soy sauce, soy sauce, and oyster sauce (no need to add salt)
  • Continue to cook for 3-5 minutes, when out of the pan, add coriander and a small amount of minced garlic, mix well, and then out of the pan
  • Pumpkin has a noodle and sweet taste, especially the skin of the pumpkin is very delicious
  • Put two dried chilies, sweet and spicy fried chicken with rice
Author: Wzp123
Course: Stewed Pork with White Gourd
Cuisine: Chinese
Keyword: stew

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